Finding the skilled and educated workforce you need to operate, expand or ensure the success of your business or company is readily accessible in Ennis, in addition to drawing from the diverse Dallas/Fort Worth market.
Workforce within 60 Miles
Miledge |
Workforce |
60 Miles |
3,616,396 |
50 Miles |
2,810,795 |
40 Miles |
2,005,195 |
30 Miles |
1,059,432 |
20 Miles |
113,669 |
10 Miles |
14,252 |

Training & Education

Seeking out employees who are well-educated and possess the skills and training you need is aided by the quantity and caliber of higher educational institutions in Ennis and throughout North Texas offering traditional degree programs, technical degrees and certificates.
To assist industries needing to hire new employees or retrain their existing staff members, The Texas Workforce Commission makes available a number of incentives as part of its Skills Development Fund.
See TSTC's proactive approach to supplying Texas industry with the workforce skills they need.